Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How much I miss blogging.

Yes. I havent blogged for some time. If you dont count yesterday's post. Hehe. Yesterday's post raised some good questions. :) That's... fine. I guess. People. If you baca (read) my blog (rarely anyone does. XD) then you boleh la (can) comment as you like. But if you dont like what I post, then dont read. Simple. Kay?

I'm posting because I'm pissed. But to be honest, it's not good to blog when you're pissed. U post stoooooooopppiiiid stuf.... then people read. Lol. Like i care. But I care bcause it will not do good. Much. Lol.

I had an awesome morning. I was woken up on time by a lovely bird chirping. Means I received a text. Makes me happy to wake up in such a way.

Please. Feel free to wake me up at any hour of the day. For you, it's fine. For anyone else, they're gonna have their head bitten off. Simple.

I like this micro blogging thingy but Twitter's words limit kill's my creative juices. So. Yeah. :)

It's holidays. I'm bored. So I'll keep posting and spamming my own blog (lame, I noe) with the minutest details. Love you all.


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